Our secrets
“Music in the soul can be heard by the universe.”
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There was something different.
From the very first moment I knew I wanted these speakers. There was something different. Catchy and alive. And the more I listened to them, the more I was convinced it was right choice.
Thank you for what you are doing!
Martin K., CEO of technology company
Multilayer cabinet
With its cabinet design, itSOUNDS uses a combination of multiple layers of different materials. For twentySOUNDS and eightySOUNDS it is a sandwich made of wood and aluminum plate in the front and top of the cabinet, and a special combination of concrete and nanoglue inside the cabinet. This approach is complex and requires many hours of manual work, but ensures a very rigid cabinet.
All cabinets are also reinforced by a large number of ribs designed to achieve maximum strength and stability while there was a break and absorption customary waves. The whole concept of this unique cabinet ensures maximum resistance against vibration. This ultimately ensures that the only thing vibrating is the speaker diaphragm, producing the clearest sound.
It’s a real journey.
When you listen to itSOUNDS it’s a real journey. You can feel every little detail of music. It is something difficult to describe, you have to experience it. It really offers something special. As if you are in the middle of the performance. It’s outstanding.
Simon R., professional musician
Driver’s membranes
Theoretically an ideal membrane has no mass and maximum rigidity. Aerogel is a unique material that is capable of achieving high rigidity and resistance to deformation at very low weight. This allows the most lively and dynamic speech possible, while maintaining maximum audio fidelity.
It is also possible to use larger cones for mid-range frequencies with very low distortion and a significant physical dimension to your music. It lets you fully experience the strings, every twang, every vibrato.
An unexpected result delivered.
I got through more high end solution. I am very demanding person, especially when it comes to my beloved music and listening experience. And itSOUNDS delivered an unexpected result. I am satisfied and happypleased whenever I turn it on.
Rober H., wine store owner
Bass woofer, twentySOUNDS
Our sophisticated solutions include a woofer hidden inside the twentySOUNDS cabinet, creating a feeling of much larger speakers with strong bass while maintaining compact dimensions and a very compact and seamless sound spectrum.
Carefully assembled together.
We are all little bit lunatics, you know. This craze for superb sound and an incredible listening experience is symptomatic for us. itSOUNDS has it all. But I also like their approach to the production: every piece is carefully assembled from the finest materials. For me this is an important aspect of the brand which gives me an opportunity to love it even more.
Howard A., Art director in PR agency
Separate chamber for electronics
All electronic components are placed in a separate chamber subdued and separate from the drives. The components are not affected by the pressures and vibrations generated by the speakers and thus achieve an even cleaner sound.
itSOUNDS stands
Speaker stands specially designed tofor itSOUNDS speakers,. These use a combination of an aluminum case and ceramic ball and consistently dampens any vibrations that canmight spread over the floor and speaker. This ensures an even cleaner sound and more accurate space in your recordings.